CBD and hay fever

CBD and hay fever

Juli 10, 2023

Pollen counts are increasing the risk of hay fever. According to a study by the Robert Koch Institute, the lifetime prevalence for hay fever in Germany lies at 14.8 percent [1]. About every sixth to seventh German is therefore affected in the course of his life. So far, there is no cure for this phenomenon. Although antihistamines may help; they only target the symptoms instead of the actual cause and can also lead to side effects. New data suggest that CBD might be a remedy.

What actually is hay fever?

Hay fever is the symptom of an allergic reaction caused by flower pollen of numerous plants. When they come in contact with the mucous membranes, they cause a reaction, even though they are actually harmless for the body. The symptoms, such as itchy eyes, running nose, rash or asthma occur because the body falsely considers the proteins from the pollen as dangerous and fights them.

To defend the threat, the endocannabinoid system unleashes certain antibodies, which bind to mast cells to release histamine. Histamine is an integral part of the immune system, which also occurs in many foods naturally. It is released to trigger certain symptoms in dangerous pathogens. These symptoms should remove the pathogen as quickly as possible and from our body.

How could CBD help with hay fever?

Current research suggests two reasons, why CBD may help with hay fever. On the one hand, it was possible to observe that the cannabinoid contains anti-inflammatory properties that interact with the endocannabinoid system to reach a homeostasis [2]. On the other hand, CBD could help suppress the distribution of histamine.

A study in the year 2015 concluded that CB1 receptors could be a possible cause of a hypersensitivity of the immune system [3]. Studies suggest that CBD could inhibit this receptor in an allosteric way [4]. A study on guinea pigs observed that the intake of CBD lowered the muscle tone at an allergic reaction, which means that CBD could have positive effects on airway constriction, which is often the case with hay fever.


Taking CBD can certainly not replace a proper and extensive assessment of medical personnel. However, some people may reduce some of the symptoms. Future studies must clarify whether CBD comes with no side-effects to treat hay fever.

Sources: 1. Bergmann, Karl-Christian, Joachim Heinrich, and Hildegard Niemann. "Aktueller Stand zur Verbreitung von Allergien in Deutschland." Allergo Journal 25.1 (2016): 22-26. 2. Bruni, Natascia, et al. "Cannabinoid delivery systems for pain and inflammation treatment." Molecules 23.10 (2018): 2478. 3. Small-Howard, Andrea L., et al. "Anti-inflammatory potential of CB1-mediated cAMP elevation in mast cells." Biochemical Journal 388.2 (2005): 465-473. 4. Thomas, Adele, et al. "Cannabidiol displays unexpectedly high potency as an antagonist of CB1 and CB2 receptor agonists in vitro." British journal of pharmacology 150.5 (2007): 613-623


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